From strategy to action 2 

The EUA (European University Association) collected seven examples of how HEIs try to meet the needs of a more diverse student body.

The below EUA report provides examples of the following strategic IDM actions taken:

  • Gender equality (staff) / University College Dublin
  • Students and staff with disabilities, students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, fight against harassment and discrimination, gender equality, inclusiveness in research and teaching, collaborating with external partners for social innovation / University of Lille, Human & Social Sciences
  • Refugees, students with migration backgrounds / Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • Gender, women in science, gender equality (staff), LGBTQ, disability (students and staff), international students and staff / Technical University of Delft
  • Gender equality, stustainable development, scholarships for international students, age (students), disability (students), refugees / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Gender equality, migrants / University of Strasbourg
  • Internationalisation (staff), learning disabilities, difficult socio-economic background (students) / Coventry University

Source: Claeys-Kulik, A.-L. & Ekman Jorgensen. 2018. Universities’ Strategies and Approaches towards Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Examples from across Europe. European University Association.