Student ambassadors
Student ambassadors from different backgrounds and life situations can offer support and information for a variety of applicants. Student ambassadors may also provide support for the applicants later on to get accustomed to the university.
This example of an international student ambassador initiative is aimed at foreign applicants. Similar student ambassadors can be used for other special and non-traditional student groups. For instance, student ambassadors for hearing or visually impaired, dyslexic or full-time working students – whatever works in your institution or culture.
The young initiative of FH Upper Austria is aimed at facilitation of the application process to FH Upper Austria for international applicants.
This example text can be modified to match your HEI’s needs.
“As Student Ambassadors, we represent FH Upper Austria in our home country, and vice versa, stand for our country at the University. We are happy to share our own experiences, answer all your questions regarding studies, application process, visa-arrangement and everyday life. Our team at the moment is presented below. Feel free to contact us with any questions of our competence!”
– Your Student Ambassadors team

Source: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria