Institutional settings supporting IDM in the curriculum
Use this checklist to identify how well developed your institutional settings are to support Diversity and Inclusion (D&I).
This brief checklist covers how institutions organise, manage and coordinate work on D & I in their policies and procedures, or how well the infrastructures facilitate and promote the embedding of D & I in the curriculum.
You can assess your own institution by discussing as widely as possible on what level the following criteria apply:
Not applicable — just slighty developed — in progress — sustainably implemented.
● Staff, students, and stakeholders work in partnership to develop policies and procedures which impact on D & I in the curriculum.
● The institution’s definition and vision for D & I in the curriculum are owned and understood by all staff, students, and stakeholders.
● There are effective partnerships between departments and services which contribute to embedding D & I in the curriculum.
● Relevant institutional, department, and service policies promote and embed D & I within the curriculum.
● The infrastructure ensures D & I are effectively embedded in the curriculum for all programmes.
● Staff recruitment, induction, development, review, and progression have incorporated D & I in the curriculum.
● The institution collects analyses and uses quantitative and qualitative data and research relating to access, retention, attainment, and progression of all students.
● The institution regularly monitors and evaluates the effectiveness and impact of policies and practices which embed D & I in the curriculum.
Based on May, Helen; Thomas, Liz, Embedding equality and diversity in the curriculum. Self-evaluation framework, The Higher Education Academy in collaboration with Scotland´s Colleges, Heslington 2010. Hanesworth, Pauline, Embedding Equality and Diversity in the Curriculum: Standard matrix, The Higher Education Academy Scotland, Heslington 2017.